1.To have a strong faith in God needs a life in close touch with Him by persistent prayer.
2.My classmates were Buddhist and had a strong faith, which inspired me to reflect on my own views about the meaning of life.
3.He gave credits to his parents, who taught him a strong faith.
4.He was a blessed man with a blessed life - wonderful parents, sisters, wife, and friends and such a strong faith in an almighty God.
5.Back to your initial dream, Strong faith within the dream, truth hidden in the reality, ray of light guide you to awakening.
6.An amateur dog-trainer once said to me, Tracey's sleeping position showed that it had strong faith in us and it could feel that we liked it.
7.Think of the first three fruits, Love, Joy, Peace, the three chief characteristics of a strong faith life.
8.In this intensity of desire for blessing we have the root of a strong faith.
9.Strong faith and perseverance will lead you to discover new horizons.
10.But you can't life in a dark and fear, you should have strong faith and courage to meet a new life!